Random script that I use regularly, thought someone else might find it usefull.  This script simply takes a filename within Echo or Flow and runs the related tests. I bind this script to ^k in my editor to run the tests associated with whatever file I'm currently editing.  

It takes a single cli argument, a path to a php file.  It will rewrite paths like Flow/includes/Parsoid/Utils.php to Flow/tests/phpunit/Parsoid/UtilsTest.php and run it inside vagrant. If called with a file already within the tests/phpunit directories it just runs it inside vagrant.

Nothing elegant but useful: 


SOURCE=$(realpath "./$1")

# If this is not from a tests/phpunit dir, adjust so it is
if [ $(expr "$SOURCE" : '.*\tests/phpunit') -eq 0 ]; then
    # Rewrites mediawiki/extensions/{NAME}/includes to mediawiki/extensions/{NAME}/tests/phpunit
    # The /includes at the end is optional to work with both Echo and Flow  
    SOURCE=$(echo $SOURCE | sed 's/mediawiki\/extensions\/\([^\/]\+\)\(\/includes\)\?/mediawiki\/extensions\/\1\/tests\/phpunit/' )
    # Add Test just before .php extension

# If the resulting source is a file or a directory, run it with phpunit
if [ -f $SOURCE -o -d $SOURCE ]; then 
    REMOTE=$(sed 's/^.*mediawiki/\/vagrant\/mediawiki/' <<< "$(realpath "$SOURCE")")
    echo "Running test at $REMOTE"
    exec ssh vagrant@ -t -p 2222 -o LogLevel=FATAL -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i $IDENTITY  "sudo -u www-data php5 /vagrant/mediawiki/tests/phpunit/phpunit.php $REMOTE";
    echo No test found!