
J-3: Remove duplicate "created topic" from watchlist. Encountered another bug that's now fixed.
"This topic has been deleted" message (bug 70497) -- doesn't show code anymore, shows box with deletion info.
Tomorrow: a lot of code review to work through.


Looked at Erik's UUID patch.
Bug triage. Found bug with mw-ui in production.
Today: ToC, and code review (esp LQT patch).


OOJS stuff is finished, all in code review.
Planning to get through everything in code review today.
Going to get another patch up for H-8 (add hide to board history). The modal will show up, and reload the page.
Matt asks: Can you look at IE patch for core?


Worked on hide comments stuff -- running into some issues this morning rebasing w Shahyar's patch.
Worked with Matt on UUID conversion, submitted patch to fix up conversion performance.
SUL finalization is coming soon, we have to use a new hook to merge the users -- Lego says it has to be done, but Dan G came by for a guest appearance and says it's not urgent.
Today -- finish hide comments stuff. Shahyar & Erik will talk about problems. Needs to do contributions items.