I believe the current status on English Wikipedia is when you sign up you get sent an email titled "Wikipedia Email Address Confirmation". 

If you click the link in that, you will by default get password resets, talk page update notifications and emails from other users.  You need to visit the settings page to enable watch list notifications.

It would not be me they complain to about flooding, so I can't answer your question about user feedback.

Luke Welling

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Benoît Evellin <benoit.evellin@wikimedia.fr> wrote:
Hello !

On French Wikipedia, email notifications not enabled by default. So new users do not know when their talk page is modified, or when something change on their watchlist.

On English Wikipedia, email notifications enabled by default, right ? How did you do that ? Is there a good feedback from new users ? Do whey complain about flooding ? 

Thanks for your answers,
Benoît Evellin / User:Trizek
Wikimédia France Volunteer

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