On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 6:22 PM, Matthew Flaschen <mflaschen@wikimedia.org> wrote:
 desktop preserves returnto and returntoquery in this particular
case (some page -> click login -> click signup), so ideally Mobile would
do the same.

It does but seems buggy. If I visit http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobilize , click the hamburger, click login (the URL is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php ? title=Special:UserLogin &returnto=Mobilize &returntoquery=welcome%3Dyes ), then click Create account, the form URL is
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php ? title=Special:UserLogin &type=signup &returnto=Mobilize &returntoquery=welcome%3Dyes

This is all great. But after I create an account, I end up on a generic account creation page and the Return to is wrong:

The user account for SpageTest mobile 0730-7 (talk) has been created.

Return to Special:UserLogin.

... Somehow mobile is ignoring the returnto and returntoquery. Seems like a bug.  Maybe CentralAuth/SUL2 changes have affected Mobile's behavior.

Maryana, did Mobile intend something cool to happen with welcome=yes ?  If I visit http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobilize?welcome=yes nothing awesome happens, AFAICT.

That's the generic flow. Wherever you provide your own link to create an account, as Steven said you should set a campaign ?campaign=Maryana42 [1] and you probably want to set the returnto and returntoquery to something interesting [2].  (Currently the mobile site doesn't load the small piece of JS that sets the campaign session cookie, but it could.)

If anyone in Mobile has questions about this put them in touch with me.
Hmm, isn't this Kenan's job now? :-)
=S Page  software engineer on E3