I was finally able to replicate the trigger issue (oddly enough, only on flow-tests)... So, all the bugs are fixed. The split patch I had been working on is now out of date compared to this single monolithic patch, so that's not going up on Gerrit.

Reviewing and testing the TOC stuff should now become the main priority if you want to land it any time soon.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 6:09 PM, Danny Horn <dhorn@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I figured out how to trigger the topic list getting stuck -- it happens if you scroll down to the bottom of the panel before all the topics have loaded. It'll start loading again if you scroll up to the top of the panel.

I put a few bugs in a card: https://trello.com/c/CvpmXsFH

Flow-tests stopped working for me after a while -- it won't load topics past the first ten right now. I can do more product review once it works again. :)

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 2:58 PM, S Page <spage@wikimedia.org> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Shahyar Ghobadpour <sghobadpour@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I missed standup, my apologies. TOC is up and running on flow-tests. Can be product reviewed, look for any browser bugs. Non show-stoppers for now:
- I've noticed a couple of minor issues in Firefox, but not in Chrome, so I'm trying to isolate those. Need to test other browsers as well.
- I need to implement the new loader animation (ellipsis).
It's bounce[123] in showLoadingIndicator() in modules/source/ext.cx.source.js.
We and ContentTranslation (git blame says Santhosh Thottingal worked on it) should propose this for MW core, https://trello.com/c/2u8W6qn8
- Gotta remove the "no older topics" message from TOC.
I guess so. When we have a consistent loading animation at the bottom of the TOC I think it'll be obvious when you've reached the end.
(We don't have a spec for the no-JS TOC.)

Danny and I noticed that the TOC doesn't always load the rest of the titles. It got stuck for me at 60 items.
(The numbering in the TOC is very helpful, I assume it's temporary along with loading 10 at a time instead of 100.)
- Need to add "X" to close TOC (I only noticed this in the requirements now -- it does not exist on any of the design mockups except for ONE).
Which mockup? I haven't missed it. The Echo flyout doesn't have a close "X". Danny Pau what do you think?
- Code needs to be split up, but this doesn't prevent product reviewing.
=S Page  Features engineer