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Jacob Orlowitz <jorlowitz@gmail.com>
Date: 29 March 2013 23:43
Subject: Re: [EE] The Wikipedia Adventure as a GuidedTour
ee-owner@lists.wikimedia.orgHey folks :)
I'm super excited about this project. I think you've created a great tool in guided tours and I'm looking forward to utilizing it to its full potential and in some new and perhaps unexpected ways. I'm going to pop into IRC next week to introduce the concept a bit more fully and look forward to sharing ideas. Just for clarity, I'm well aware that this project has to happen independent of EE involvement... That said, I know you're a great resource of experience and knowledge about attracting new editors, and I hope to pick up some tricks and guidance as I move forward.
Jake Orlowitz (Ocaasi)
Skype: jorlowitz
Cell: (484) 684-2104
Home: (484) 380-3940