
Patch for the Co-op is up, in code review.
Wrote copy for Village pump to ask to grant this right -- it's up on a card for the team to check out. -- (, linked from
S will help to figure out how to get wgContentModel enabled on enwiki.

Started looking at FlowReplies schema. We've got the data we want tracked, but not the table that we want to see once the data's collected. Danny will write on Flow/Analytics. Erik will work on that today.


Followed up on event-logging, got it merged -- it'll be deployed today.
Reviewed an Echo change, and fixing bug that Flow messages aren't showing up in Echo. (T77956)
Didn't have much time to work on the ToC, will resume that today.


There are bugs related to a regression in the Echo interface -- the links between Messages and Alerts. It seems like an easy fix, just reinstating the fix that we did in September. Danny says we don't need design approval to fix the regression -- go ahead and fix it. :)


Worked on search (L108) today, more tomorrow.