
Clean-up for LQT header conversion (L9), in code review
S will follow up with questions
A couple hygiene patches
Next -- not sure? Can he help with the LQT script? We're not sure what Andrew's doing.


Worked on Event-logging (L1) -- it's WIP, but it would be good for Matt to review the approach. One question -- When you start to reply, it'll fetch the handlebar template & compile it -- there's a slight delay. Not certain of the approach there; it may break on really slow JS or slow machines. Will still be working on that today. By the end of the day, card should be pretty much ready.
One question -- right now, it'll only log things with JS, the no-JS case isn't covered. Is that something we want to do? (No for now -- it can be done as a v2 if we need it.)
This should be ready to start running next week.


Yesterday -- fixed up LQT conversion script. Andrew had added features, but hadn't made
Added transactionality.
More bugs -- we're being too lenient with users. We're testing by going from one wiki to another, shouldn't be a problem in real use cases.
Script is back into a working condition. Successfully importing everything again. Looks to be mostly there.
J16 is close, and it is now preserving history (L6).
What's left is mostly the redirects (L8). Could we possibly defer until we go bigger than OfficeWiki? (yes, let's put it off until it gets to TranslateWiki or another heavy-use wiki.)
There's also a bug for Echo - mention notifications on PTwiki.
S asks about L2 -- Collect usage data on current Flow deployments. We could start getting data pretty quickly. Erik will pick it up and get started on it.


ToC: Working on 5 things we talked about yesterday -- 4 out of 5 are done, still working on scrolling to the right place in the ToC dropdown. This should be finished today. Danny wants to see the ones that are done on flow-tests.
All ToC patches that don't say WIP will be good for review.