Here’s what we need:
* You are best positioned to determine your own definition of which editors come through your education program. Education programs look different around the world; we trust if you say this person started editing through your education program that they are part of our global education community.
* The timeframe we are looking for is January 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020 (or today, if you’re sending us names before then). Please share all usernames of new editors who joined through your education program between the start of 2019 through the first half of 2020.
* We only need usernames; we do not need the leading User: or which Wikimedia project(s) they edited.
* Please send these by June 30, 2020.
To share your usernames:
* If you are using the Program & Events Dashboard (, simply send an email to (offlist) with a link to your campaign. If not every program within that campaign is an education program, include in the body of the email which program(s) should be considered part of your education program.
* If you do not use the Program & Events Dashboard, please collect usernames into a spreadsheet and upload that spreadsheet here: (note: you do not need to have a Dropbox account to submit a file here)
If you have any questions, please email LiAnna (
On behalf of the Wikipedia & Education User Group,