Hi everyone,

On the French Wikimini (http://wikimini.org), about 10 to 15% of the articles are being written in the context of such small class/school projects (pupils in the age of 8-15). Some of them even took place in North Africa (French speaking parts).

If this teacher speaks French, he may find some useful information at http://fr.wikimini.org/wiki/Aide:Enseignants. Otherwise, I'm currently in touch with a teacher form Morocco that would be interested in launching an Arabic version of the project. I could connect them if desired.

On Wikipedia in French, there is also a dedicated page, which mentions some interesting projects (usually for older students): http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Projets_p%C3%A9dagogiques. I don't know if a similar page exists on Wikipedia in Arabic.

Kind regards


2013/9/25 Sophie Osterberg <sosterberg@wikimedia.org>
Yes Simon that's a great idea, what would be a good sharing space for you?

2013/9/25 Simon Knight <sjgknight@gmail.com>

I’m interested in both of those (particularly the use of Wikipedia & methods of trust, etc.).  Could we collate the experiences of people who’ve done work with students somewhere so they’re not muddle on the email list/partly told off-list? J





From: education-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:education-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Cornelia Trefflich
Sent: 25 September 2013 13:28
To: Wikimedia Education
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Education] Working with pupils 12-14 years old


Hey Sophie, hey everyone,

WMDE is happy to share its experiences in working with pupils! Generally speaking, our pupils were a bit older (age 15-18), but surely there are some lessons learned we can contribute. What exactly should this  "work with Wikipedia" include? What would the teacher want to achieve with his students? Is it writing articles in Wikipedia (e.g. contribute content)? Is is teaching them how to use Wikipedia adequately (mechanisms of quality assurance, sources, etc.)? It would help a lot to have/define a precise goal for this project (this would also help to provide you with a satisfactory answer).

Kind regards


Cornelia Trefflich

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2013/9/25 sibi kanagaraj <civil.sibi1@gmail.com>

Please let me know what help i can do . I have my little bit experience .

On Sep 25, 2013 1:24 PM, "Sophie Osterberg" <sosterberg@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Hi all! 


There is a teacher in Algeria who's interested to work with pupils, a group of 20 of them, in the age of 12-14 on Wikipedia.


He'd like to talk to someone who has done this as to learn from that experience. Is there someone on this list who has such experience? 


Thank you in advance for taking time! 


Be Bold! 
Sophie Österberg  

Every single contribution to Wikipedia is a gift of free knowledge to humanity. 

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Be Bold! 
Sophie Österberg  

Every single contribution to Wikipedia is a gift of free knowledge to humanity. 

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