2015-05-22 10:27 GMT+03:00 Jirka Daněk <dnk@mail.muni.cz>:
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions.

I realized that translating from English instead of the other way around is certainly a better way to approach this.

Using ContentTranslation seems the best option, even though it currently does not contain support for auto translating the en/cs language pair.
It is important to me to be able to see somebody else's unfinished translation and as far as I know, ContentTranslation does not support that yet. Is this feature planned?

Theoretically yes, but we don't have a target date. FWIW, an article can be reviewed after initial publishing, but you probably knew that already.
I know the tool. I was one of the people who campaigned for having it enabled on cs.Wikipedia ;)


On that occasion I made a comparison table for all available translation tools for WIkipedia I know of (Duolingo, Google Translate Toolkit, ContentTranslation) and CT is a clear winner. Duolingo has problematic ToS and drops formatting and references, Google Translate for WIkipedia is not being actively worked on and drops some formatting and references. I guess as the developers you know all about that ;)

Even bigger thanks!