Wow, what a great achievement! Congratulations from Berlin!

2014-06-10 23:13 GMT+02:00 Mile Kiš <>:
Hello everyone! 
I am honored to inform you that several months of integrating Wikipedia into primary and secondary schools in Serbia has finally paid off!

After the Ministry has prescribed that from September 2014 all students of the second year of secondary school curriculum must study wiki tools, Institute for the Improvement of knowledge and education has included a course on Wikipedia in its catalog of programs of continuous professional development of teachers, professors and other school personnel. We got accreditation for two years. Not a lot applicants got accreditation.

This course will start in December.

first challenge we successfully crossed :) next will come. 

I started writing blog post about this and hope it will be ready on 20 June. 

If you have some questions I will be happy to answer you :)

Mile Kiš

Vikimedija Srbije  - - 
00381 (0)60 7 454 772

„Zamislite svet u kome svaka osoba ima slobodan pristup celokupnom ljudskom znanju. To je ono na čemu mi radimo.“

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