Hello education people, 

[especially relevant for those of you who have engaged in grant requests in the past. Sorry for cross-posting]

The Community Resources team, in conjunction with the Program Capacity & Learning team[1], are embarking on a retrospective and update of Global Metrics[2], with the goals of:

We would like your feedback! You can find more information here about the project and how you can provide feedback here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Global_metrics/Review

[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Program_Capacity_and_Learning

[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Global_metrics


Floor Koudijs

Senior Manager, Wikipedia Education Program

Wikimedia Foundation

+1.415.839.6885  x6806 (landline)

+1.415.692.5289 (cell phone)

