Hi, Simon. 

Yes, I agree we should get better at sharing success stories, case studies (including of collaborations that didn't work out well -- yes, we had some of those as well! :)), and of course resources. By saying *we* I mean both Wikimedia Israel, but also everyone else worldwide. 

A group of us, wiki-education enthusiasts from around the world, have been working with the WMF's education team on improving the education portal and the newsletter among other things in the hopes of consolidating everything that is already out there and make our global efforts more transparent, visible, cohesive and in-sync. We're not done or ready yet, but hopefully we will be in Wikimania. 
The reason I'm mentioning this here, is to say that I hope when we are done, we'll have a better platform to share resources, success stories, case-studies and experiences in a much more productive way. And till then, we have the newsletter, which hopefully more will contribute to. 

More to the point of your specific question -- I'll forward your request to the WM-IL team and ask them to make an effort to share their resources and thoughts more globally. Hope that helps, and if you have any additional questions and thoughts, please feel free to check in with me privately as well. :)


On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Simon Knight <sjgknight@gmail.com> wrote:

Fantastic effort and thought – thanks for sharing, especially the extra detail. I wonder if the curricula and supporting resources are online? They sound really useful!  Even though of courses ‘translation’ into another context is not as simple as just translation, there might be some merit in working on translations if there are resources available to share. I had a quick look around Wikimedia.org.il but can’t see anything (but working through google translate is not so easy!)


Thanks again :-)




Vice chair WMUK


From: education-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:education-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Shani
Sent: 11 June 2014 10:31
To: Wikimedia Education
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Education] Integration Wikipedia into primary and secondary schools in Serbia


Thanks, Oona, this is indeed exciting. :-)

I have to say though, that this did not come out of nowhere. Rather, this is a result of many different smaller collaborations and pilot projects with specific schools, specific teachers, specific targeted groups (like gifted children) GLAMs, universities and later on with the Ministry of Education itself. These projects have been running separately by different wikipedians and wikimedians in Israel in the past 3 years, and even longer in higher education and universities.

For schools, we created different models of integration for different age-groups. It was crucial, since for example, though high-school students and gifted children in junior high may be mature enough to write full articles, this is not the case for elementary school and regular junior high students. We had to cteate a system where different ages engage with wikipedia in a different way that makes sense in terms of their abilities and capacity, and that the wiki skills they are taught, are used to teach them other learning skills from an pedagogical POV.
Junior-high students (7th-9th grades) might work in a groups, with the teacher, and only improve articles. And elementary shool children (1st-6th grades) might not be able to contribute anything, but just learn how wikipedia works and how to properly work with it as a tool.

So in order to scale, it became clearer and clearer that the teachers are as much our target as the students. We began giving wiki-workshops to teachers, who would then become wiki-agents in the classroom.

In the latest pilot that has been running in Israel, 2 wikipedians ran a pilot in Beer-Sheva, a big city in the south of Israel, with the ministry of education. They reached out to many different junior high classes, in various schools in the city, at the same time, working closely with the teachers and the ministry. Students improved articles and even wrote new ones about historical places and monuments in the city and the pilot came to show a successful model of working with junior high students.

Joining other smaller but successful collaborations with gifted children (sometimes in collaboration with GLAMs we've been working with), highschool students and even elementary scools,  the minister got convinced it could work and we are working on building a program that will help teachers implement it in class.

I'm sure like everything new that hasn't been done exactly like that before, there will be some "labor pains" and a learning curve. But given the opportunity to do that on the national level is huge for every country - Serbia, Israel, it doesn't matter; it's only a matter of time till it'll be something that is regularly done worldwide. That is what we want, really - to be part of the process and keep being there for the long run.


Shani Evenstein,

On 11 Jun 2014 09:53, "Oona Castro" <oonacastro@gmail.com> wrote:

excellent news! congratulations!


Did you guys see Israel is also to get Wikipedia included in the curriculum of public schools?  Sorry for crossposting in case it has been shared here: http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=18059

I'm really excited to hear and learn more about these initiatives, though I'm really concerned about our limitations in the Brazilian education system.




On 11 June 2014 03:42, Nurunnaby Chowdhury <nh@nhasive.com> wrote:

Wow..excellent news Mile!


Nurunnaby Chowdhury | @nhasive

Sysop, Bengali Wikipedia | User: Nhasive

Member, IEG, WMF

Ambassador, OK Bangladesh

Sent from my iPhone device


On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 4:55 AM, Shani <shani.even@gmail.com> wrote:

Great news, Mile!
Looking forward to seeing you in London and hear some more, :-)

On 11 Jun 2014 01:31, "Jens Best" <jens.best@wikimedia.de> wrote:

That's really great news. Congratulations to all people involved in preparing and realizing this important success.

best regards

Jens Best

- Board of Trustees
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
mail: jens.best

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V. 

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Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig
anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin,


2014-06-10 23:13 GMT+02:00 Mile Kiš <milens@vikimedija.org>:

Hello everyone! 

I am honored to inform you that several months of integrating Wikipedia into primary and secondary schools in Serbia has finally paid off!


After the Ministry has prescribed that from September 2014 all students of the second year of secondary school curriculum must study wiki tools, Institute for the Improvement of knowledge and education has included a course on Wikipedia in its catalog of programs of continuous professional development of teachers, professors and other school personnel. We got accreditation for two years. Not a lot applicants got accreditation.


This course will start in December.




first challenge we successfully crossed :) next will come. 


I started writing blog post about this and hope it will be ready on 20 June. 


If you have some questions I will be happy to answer you :)




Mile Kiš


Vikimedija Srbije  - rs.wikimedia.org - 


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