Hi Tom,

The idea behind this is that it is not necessarily for *professors* but for *program organizers* -- in other words, 1-2 people per country, people like you. :) I think generally professors have a lot to offer in the discussion of things like "what kinds of content students can add" or "should we work in sandboxes?", but we are looking for this to be a higher-level discussion of things like "How can we be better about documenting what we've learned in Egypt so that program leaders in other countries can follow what we've done?" 

I should have made this distinction clearer, sorry.


On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <ezalvarenga@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi, LiAnna.

Thanks for sharing this, that is a good idea. I just sent to all
Brazilian professors of our network to sound their interest, but I
really think 24h is not enough time for they to answer, from my
experience of the time professors usually take to answer e-mails. At
least this happens with academics in Brazil, not sure how it is in
other places (in physics it is the same everywhere).

I also think most professors have no idea what a chapters meeting is,
neither what a Wikimedia chapter is. Thus, if I was a professor, I
would first wonder what is it and, since I would likely not have time
to read all pages to discover it, I would say "no" or simply do not

Then, as a suggestion, maybe try to rephrase to something like this
would be good "there will be a global meet up that happens every year
among wikimedians and we want involve professors involved in the
Wikipedia Education Program etc.".

My to cents. :)


On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 9:23 PM, LiAnna Davis <ldavis@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Are you running an Education Program in your country? Do you want to start
> working with instructors and students to improve Wikipedia? Are you
> interested in helping shape a global community of program leaders to grow
> Wikipedia's use in education worldwide?
> We are thinking about convening an Education Program Leaders Workshop,
> where 20-30 program leaders worldwide will gather for one day to build a
> global community to share learnings and help each other overcome challenges.
> We're considering having this all-day workshop in conjunction with the
> Chapters Meeting hosted by Wikimedia Italia on April 19-21 in Milan, but
> before we finalize the details, we wanted to see if this would be a
> convenient time with enough people to make it worthwhile.
> If you are interested in meeting with other program leaders worldwide,
> would you take 5 minutes to fill out a quick survey?
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1T-1KvPYJQwtRMauHk6Xypm733CUmB0wUi3NRZkkp3g8/viewform
> We need responses within 24 hours if possible so we can confirm dates.
> More information will be coming later this week.
> Thanks so much for your quick reply!
> LiAnna
> --
> LiAnna Davis
> Wikipedia Education Program Communications Manager
> Wikimedia Foundation
> http://education.wikimedia.org
> (415) 839-6885 x6649
> ldavis@wikimedia.org
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> Education mailing list
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Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful
than a life spent doing nothing."

Education mailing list

LiAnna Davis
Wikipedia Education Program Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6649