Dear colleagues,

The first ‘Celtic Knot’ – Wikipedia Language Conference will take place 5 & 6 July 2017 at the University of Edinburgh in collaboration with Wikimedia UK.

This Wikimedia event will focus on showcasing innovative approaches to open education, open knowledge and open data that support and grow Celtic and Indigenous language communities.

Please note: the ‘call for proposals’ closes midnight on Friday 17th March 2017.

Following enquiries, the criteria for submissions is that presentations/workshops should be:



Therefore, any proposals should make it very clear how their presentation will be of interest to this audience. 


To assist with seeing areas of commonality and links with the Wikimedia projects you can click here.


If you would like to attend as a delegate then we are asking people for expressions of interest and to save the date until booking is open. If you would like to present then we are asking for suggested ideas to be no longer than 100-200 words showcasing the best of your work which both addresses the conference themes and satisfies the above criteria. (Submitted ideas which already explicitly address this criteria need not resubmit.)


To find out more about the conference themes and the format of sessions please visit the Celtic Knot page. Email your session proposal to indicating the session type, conference theme and how it meets the criteria by no later than Friday 17th March.

Please feel free to forward this event to interested colleagues in your network. If you would like to learn more then please contact me direct at

Very best regards,


Ewan McAndrew
Wikimedian in Residence

Tel: 07719 330076
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My working hours are 10.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday.
Wikipedia Project Page for the residency:

The University of Edinburgh, Floor H (West), Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DR.