Thanks to everyone who filled out the quick survey I sent earlier this week. The good news is that it looks like there are enough people who are already planning to attend the Chapters Meeting in Milan to make it worthwhile to have the education workshop in conjunction with it.

The bad news is that after further research, it looks like there isn't any money available from the Wikimedia Foundation for travel funding. :(

We realize this significantly limits the number of people who are able to attend, but given the choice of a meeting with a small number of education program leaders who were already coming to the chapters meeting and no in-person meeting at all, we've chosen to move forward with the small meeting. We're working on some videoconferencing solution to bring people in virtually if that can be feasible, and we'll do our best to document the discussions well. We'll also plan a larger meeting in conjunction with Wikimania 2013 in Hong Kong, in hopes that more program leaders worldwide will be able to attend that.

If you're interested in learning more about the education workshop, please see this wiki page for more details:

If you are able to join us, either virtually or in person, please add your name to that page.


LiAnna Davis
Wikipedia Education Program Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6649