Hi Sage, ty for information. Translation status in Macedonian is 100%. I think that this extension can help to our education program and I just start process/discussion at mk.wikipedia.

On 27.04.2013 14:29, Sage Ross wrote:
I'm happy to answer what I can about the extension.

You can see the translation status for it here: http://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:MessageGroupStats&language=en&group=ext-educationprogram

(If your language isn't fully translated, you can translated it at translatewiki.)

The extension has some fundamental technical shortcomings related to the way MediaWiki handles the content of course pages, and we're recommending that other wikis not start using it until after those get fixed. For those interested in the details, here is the tracking bug for that set of problems: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43975 . All the "Depends on" bugs are the issues that we're going to fix within the next few months.

The look of the extension will also be upgraded in the next few months. You can see a rough partial roadmap for what we plan to work on here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Education_Program/Roadmap (If you have ideas for it, please talk with me, post to this mailing list, or add things to the ideas list at the bottom of the roadmap.)

Even though we're suggesting the extension not be used for more education programs until around August, you can--and probably should--start the process soon if you think you'll want it on your home wikis. The basic requirement before it can be deployed is to demonstrate consensus on your wiki that it is wanted. I did that on English Wikipedia with this Request for Comment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Requests_for_comment/Education_Program_extension (You don't need to have an RfC as complicated as that one; a simple "yes/no" discussion would suffice if you want the default configuration.) If you begin this process, please let me or LiAnna know (or better yet, post to this list) so we can keep an eye on it and document how it goes so that others can learn from it.

If you want to play around with the extension, you can do so on test2.wikimedia.org: http://test2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Courses Email me with your username if you would like any of the user rights on test2 so that you can create course pages, etc.

This page documents how we're using it on English Wikipedia, including the "course page wizard" template I built to make it easier to create decent course pages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Course_pages (The "course page wizard" is sort of a hack; later on, I hope to build something more user-friendly into the extension itself.)


On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 6:12 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:
Vojtěch Dostál, 27/04/2013 11:44:

As far as I know, the MediaWiki Extension is still under construction
(although it is possible to use it); someone (probably LiAnna) said in
Milano that the final version should be available in August 2013.

It's currently not internationalisable but they're working on it (I've not seen a plan yet though).


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