Hi all
I umm’d and ahh’d over whether this was an abuse of the mailing list – so my apologies if you’re of that view (please let me know), and obviously just ignore it!
Essentially, I’m looking for participants to take part in some PhD research, if anyone has a spare afternoon I’d really appreciate your help (sadly gratitude is all I can offer in return). The study is of broad relevance to Wikimedians in that it involves collaborating to find information, and writing a short shared piece based on that information. I can obviously provide further information particularly after the study is complete.
I’m currently looking for participants to take part in some PhD research. The study is of broad relevance to Wikimedians in that it involves collaborating to find information together, and writing a short shared piece based on that information. I thought this community might be interested in two ways:
1) take part yourself, if anyone has a spare afternoon I’d really appreciate your help (sadly gratitude is all I can offer in return),
2) working with a student group, the task would be a great task for students (undergraduates or above) to think about how they work together to find and evaluate information
The study involves two collaborative tasks, the first of which involves reading a set of assigned texts, and the second searching on the web. So to do that:
· It involves downloading and using a firefox addon
· to work with a partner (someone you know, but it’s better if they’re not in the same location – you can schedule this at your own convenience)
· to read some documents and write a short piece together
There are two tasks (total time 2.5-4 hours) but if you wanted to just sign up to 1 in the first instance and then decide on the 2nd that’s possible. More information on the website, so I’ll leave it with you. The research findings would of course be shared back to you.
Your help would be much appreciated!
If you’re interested in signing up, please check out the website at http://projects.kmi.open.ac.uk/edusearch/ If you do sign up where your role is asked, it’d be great if you could put whatever you consider your main role to be, + ‘Wikimedian’
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