Absolutely, and the question of thing like "how can we encourage professors to play a more central role in leading the program?" is *exactly* the kind of thing that we'd like to discuss among this group of people. People like Juliana who are already natural program leaders thinking on the meta level of global programs -- but who are also professors -- are encouraged to attend as well! Obviously, there is overlap in many countries between program leaders and professors. :) 

The goal of this meeting is to get people from all the different programs talking to each other, rather than just talking to the Wikimedia Foundation, and hopefully expand the reach of the information we are sharing among each other. It's about making sure that everyone feels like they're part of a global community, and feel free to share successes and learning points among each other, so we can all support each other in growing Wikipedia's use in education. 

This form is just to get an idea of whether tying this meeting to the Chapters Meeting in Milan is a good idea or not; our idea is that many people who are program leaders will also be attending the Chapters Meeting, so it would be a good time, travel-wise, to attend. We'll send a lot more details of what we're thinking in a day or two, once we know what dates seem to work for people, based on the results of the form.

I hope this helps clarify the concept. 

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:08 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <ezalvarenga@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi, LiAnna.

I understood now, no problem. Even so with my misinterpretation, I
think it was interesting to send to all professors, let me know if
they will answer. Since we need to create a program self-sustainable,
I do believe we have to find professors who canI also have a
leadership role in expanding the program, like Juliana Bastos (one
example we know).

I have noticed other professors from our expansion in the second phase
of the pilot here in Brazil that could also do this, and the idea of
this meeting just made me think we should think on ways on how to
estimulate professors willing to perform this role in a national or
regional level. For instace, after the open call in Brazil and having
discovered the work of professor Yuri
from the same state of other two professors, I believe on the
importance of forming this local network of professors so that they
can even develop their own solutions and ideas on how to expand the
program and help themselves in the local level. :)


On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 10:49 PM, LiAnna Davis <ldavis@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> The idea behind this is that it is not necessarily for *professors* but for
> *program organizers* -- in other words, 1-2 people per country, people like
> you. :) I think generally professors have a lot to offer in the discussion
> of things like "what kinds of content students can add" or "should we work
> in sandboxes?", but we are looking for this to be a higher-level discussion
> of things like "How can we be better about documenting what we've learned in
> Egypt so that program leaders in other countries can follow what we've
> done?"
> I should have made this distinction clearer, sorry.
> LiAnna

Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more
useful than a life spent doing nothing."

Education mailing list

LiAnna Davis
Wikipedia Education Program Communications Manager
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885 x6649