In the material Celio Costa has been producing in Brazil approaches a bit of it, but I'd be also happy to engage in producing/customizing a more specific document on that. For years I work on critical reading of media and I see a lot in common between the critical media reading and Wikipedia's critical reading. 


Em 31/05/2014 15:38, "Tighe Flanagan" <> escreveu:
Hi Asaf,

On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Asaf Bartov <> wrote:
I'm thinking about things like "how to identify bias", "how to distill the argument from a paragraph", "what are weasel words", logical fallacies, etc.

You may be looking for something more substantial or nuanced, but the Evaluating Wikipedia brochure may be a good place to start:

Hope you find it useful!


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