I think I found out where to set access to visitors on my Moodle page. It seems I just need the name and email address. Please let me know if there's anyone interested.


On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Daria Cybulska <daria.cybulska@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
Hi Juliana, 

Very interesting question! Wikimedia UK has been setting up a 'Virtual Learning Environment' to support its training programme. It's in the development stage at the moment, but if you want to find out more you could contact Charles Matthews who is leading on this:
"Charles Matthews" <charles.r.matthews@ntlworld.com>. 

Best wishes, 

Daria Cybulska - Events Organiser, Wikimedia UK

On 5 November 2012 01:13, Alhen <alhen.wiki@gmail.com> wrote:
English comes after this paragraph. 

¿Cómo están?. Asumo que ambas pueden hablar en español. Así que pongo el mensaje en ambos idiomas.

Juliana, me encantaría trabajar contigo como ayudante online para el curso. No sé si tienes ya un wikipedista que te ayude, pero me parece interesante poder colaborar en esta plataforma. 

Lila, me gustaría ser los ojos curiosos para ver cómo le hicieron para poder sacar el curso adelante. Siempre es bueno aprender de las iniciativas de otros.

Hello there. I assume you both speak Spanish, I'm writing the same message in both languages.

Juliana, I'd love to work with you as a helper. I wonder if you already have a wikipedian for that task. I think it's it could be great to get a course going using moodle.

Lila. I want to see how that course of yours went. If you can, send me a guess invite, please. I can learn from you and your experience.


alhen at wikipedia, wikihow, wikispaces, and most places.
Promotor de Wikimedia Bolivia

2012/11/4 Juliana Bastos Marques <domusaurea@gmail.com>
Thanks for your reply, Lila! 

Could you tell us a little more about your courses? You mentioned they are offered for the community - meaning outside the university? Are your students undergrads/grads, any other group in particular? You mentioned teachers - what sort? I'm very interested in setting up a course focused on teachers, I haven't done that before. I'd like to offer a 4-day workshop for History professors on our next national symposium, but this would be new to me. I just offered a regular undergrad course, an open extension course and 4h workhops.

I'd very much like to see your material, if I can! I have to find out how to set the guests option for my page... I'd love to hear everyone's feedback for what I've been doing there.


On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 7:04 PM, Lila Pagola <lilapagola@gmail.com> wrote:
2012/11/2 Juliana Bastos Marques <domusaurea@gmail.com>:
> Hi all! Too bad to see this list being so quiet, as I'd love to hear from
> other professors and find out what you're doing in your classes. Many
> discussions take place on the WP talk pages, but it's hard to keep track of
> everything there!
> At the end of the month I'l be starting an undergraduate course in which
> I'll use both Wikipedia and Moodle. For Wikipedia, the usual: articles,
> userpages, talk, sandboxes etc. I'll use Moodle for forum discussions,
> assignments and extra reading/media material. This is part of an
> experimental initiative in Brazilian public universities to create working
> models for the merging of traditional and distance learning classes, and
> I'll be the first one to do this together with our well-known Wikipedia
> Education Project.
> My point is, I'd like to know whether any of you here or someone you know
> has used Moodle to support a course with Wikipedia assignments. I'll be
> happy to hear about such experiences. And I'll share mine when I have them,
> of course.

Hi Juliana, and everyone in this list,

I have been using moodle to support 2 short courses on Wikipedia
editing, courses offered from university to community, in specific
topics (gender topics) or for specific people (teachers).

In both experiences, moodle has resulted a great tool for following
the activities during the course and specially after the course, while
people was doing the final assignment, using forum for questions and
reporting experiences and problems (deleting contributions is a big
issue with new users nowadays).

Also, of course a useful repository for reference materials used
during the course (edition guide, our booklet "Wikipedia en el aula",
studies on gender gap, and so on).

Unfortunately, moodle campus of my university doesn't allow guests,
but if someone is interested on visiting the virtual course, I can
send a user/pass by private email.


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Daria Cybulska - Events Organiser, Wikimedia UK

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