I didn't know about it. It seems very interesting: 

.. but I don't see very clear if it goes in the same direction as Sugata Mitra (great great video, by the way)


2013/2/27 James Salsman <jsalsman@gmail.com>
This year the TED conference awarded their top prize to this talk by
Sugata Mitra entitled "Build a School in the Cloud":

The point of the talk is asking for educational technologists to
design and offer peer-oriented learning systems. But such systems
already exist. The most advanced of which at present is called
PeerWise: http://peerwise.cs.auckland.ac.nz/

In short, PeerWise is an automated self-study, low-stakes assessment
system where both questions and answers are edited and reviewed by
anyone (with access; in practice this usually means anyone enrolled in
a course or major at an institution) very similarly to textual content
in a wiki. It is already being used successfully at hundreds of higher
education and other institutions.  But sadly it's closed source.  I
have since 2009 been trying to encourage the Foundation to build an
open source version of such a system.

Is there anyone else interested in this?

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