Hi, Filip & Floor. 

These are very disturbing news. Filip, I can only sympathize..

Floor, / James, can we get any assurances that the 
Education Extension will not be removed in the middle of the semester? My academic courses at Tel Aviv University, and I'm sure others' who are using the extension, are completely depended on it (not to mention all the smaller workshops throughout the year). 
Not having the extension will completely change the way these courses are run, and if it's done after the semester begins in mid October,it can be quite catastrophic. 

Is there any other info you can give us about this? I'd rather know in advance if there's a chance it suddenly stops working so I can look for other solutions before my courses begin.

Please advise. Thanks much,


On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 1:09 AM, Floor Koudijs <fkoudijs@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Dear Filip,

I am so very sorry to hear about these frustrations with the deployment of the
Education Extension. The problem is that there have been recent security issues with the extension. Engineering and our Trust & Safety department are working on some stop gaps to allow the extension to remain in place (and likely be deployed) while we determine what to do with the recent security issues. 

Please rest assured that we are working hard both on keeping the Education Extension going, and on thinking about a better tool to replace it for the future. 

Feel free to follow up if you have any further questions. I've cc-ed James Alexander here.


Floor Koudijs

Senior Manager, Wikipedia Education Program

Wikimedia Foundation

+1.415.839.6885  x6806 (landline)

+1.415.692.5289 (cell phone)



On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 11:14 AM, Filip Maljkovic <dungodung@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

Recently, a security issue has been found with Education extension. As a result, new requests for installing the extension on Wikimedia wikis are being "stalled", i.e. blocked for an indeterminate period. Can someone from the Foundation comment on this? I don't see why we shouldn't install the extension to more wikis, if the current installations are still working as-is (i.e. they're not being uninstalled because of the security issue, as far as I know).

While it might be a long shot, is it possible to influence this decision somehow?

I feel thoroughly disappointed, having held community discussion and vote, and then waiting for a month (!) for no apparent reason, just to be outright told that it's unlikely to happen anytime soon. [1]

[1] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T110619

Filip Maljković
Wikimedia Serbia

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