We will draft an offer and contact all chapters, user groups and users that have Wiki in Education activities, asking them to sign up if they are interested in joining us. We are hoping to be as inclusive as possible.
We are making an effort to talk to ppl from chapters that are already here. Very happy that Anna & Michal (EDs for WM Argentina & Israel, respectively), both said they will endorse these efforts. Also had various unofficial talks with reps from the BoT, AffCom, FDC & WMF - all were positive & encouraging towards the idea. So I'm hopeful that once we put everything in writing and agree on our proposal, we will be able to have everyone involved on board; but we will have to take it step by step and see what happens.I do want to take a moment to thank Vahid & Nicole for working with us closey (and unexpectedly!) on this idea. I have come to believe the EDU-Wiki community worldwide has matured enough and that this *is* the most sensible strategic next step we need to take to progress. On a personal note, it's been amazing sharing this journey with all of you. This includes all of it - the concerns & the massive support. :-)
Shani.On 1 Apr 2017 16:32, "Jami Mathewson" <jami@wikiedu.org> wrote:Thanks. Was there a time set for that discussion? The April meeting?On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 10:28 AM, Vahid Masrour <vmasrour@wikimedia.org> wrote:The discussion we had last night involved only part of the Collab, and it seems only fair to have a larger conversation as a whole.Certainly, we need to include in the discussion Affiliates and to make sure that other stakeholders understand the issues that we're trying to solve and support the initiative.Vahid.On Apr 1, 2017 4:21 PM, "Jami Mathewson" <jami@wikiedu.org> wrote:I added a question but will ask here: can we begin working on the application to become a User Group, or do we need to come to consensus first that this is the direction we're taking? Did you set a plan for the next step?(I know you had a late meeting last night, so no worries if we didn't get this far—trying to make sure I can carve out time to participate in the next few weeks as we move forward!)On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 9:49 AM, LiAnna Davis <lianna@wikiedu.org> wrote:Thanks, Vahid!I was bold and accepted people's suggested changes as well as adding several myself. Hope this is ok. :)LiAnna--On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 1:46 AM, Reem Al-Kashif <reemalkashif@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Vahid,That's interesting! thanks for sharing, will take a look.bestreemOn 31 Mar 2017 23:48, "Vahid Masrour" <vmasrour@wikimedia.org> wrote:______________________________At WikiCon, we are discussing possible avenues for the evolution of the Collab. One option is turning the Collab into a User Group focused on promoting the goals of education.Here are a few initial notes, that need to be completed:Your comments, questions, added ideas, (requests for) clarifications, are very important.Best Regards,_________________
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LiAnna DavisDirector of Programs; Deputy DirectorWiki Education Foundation
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--Jami MathewsonEducational Partnerships ManagerWiki Education Foundation
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--Jami MathewsonEducational Partnerships ManagerWiki Education Foundation
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