The best way to get in touch about the dashboard and setting up a development environment is IRC: #wikimedia-ed on freenode.

Also, posting issues on GitHub about any problems getting set up is another option. 


On Friday, April 15, 2016, Liang-chih Shang Kuan <> wrote:
Hi there, 

Some updates from South East Asia. Firstly, just want to say thank you for the blog post. I have made a translation of the post in the meta draft. About the dashboard, we have gather a university volunteer who is translating the interface on In Taiwan, there is also a programmer is trying to install and play with the Ruby on Rails environment of the education dashboard. 

I also has a question for you. Do you know is there a mailing list / IRC / facebook group / anywhere on the internet that is focusing on the program and environment set up of the dashboard apart from the project on phabricator ? The programmer would like to join this kind of group to learn better about the dashboard. 

Thank you & maybe see some of you in Berlin.


2016-04-09 1:25 GMT+08:00 Tighe Flanagan <>:

Tighe Flanagan
Senior Manager, Wikipedia Education Program
Wikimedia Foundation

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 5:55 PM, Vojtěch Dostál <> wrote:
As for Phabricator, we're almost done in transferring the Stockholm feedback on Dashboard to distinct tickets, see this etherpad for details:

Some are still not filed and I'll be happy for any initiative from fellow collab members, it's a lot of work for one person.

Vojtěch Dostál

předseda rady / chairman of the board
Wikimedia Česká republika / Wikimedia Czech Republic

2016-04-06 21:00 GMT+02:00 Tighe Flanagan <>:
Hello, Collab Colleagues :)

I just wanted to send a general update to this group, and a long overdue follow up after our face-to-face meeting in Stockholm.

First of all, I want to offer another another round of thanks to everyone who participated in Stockholm, and a special thanks to Sara from WMSE for making sure things ran so smoothly.

I also want to thank Shani for stepping up and keeping us on track for our next few monthly calls. It's important to keep these regular forums going, and it's great to have support from you all to make sure it gets done :)

Through our time together in Stockholm we identified (and captured in the graphic recording) three main things we wanted to work on, as well as short, mid and longterm goals: (1) Dashboard, (2) Communications and (3) Mentoring. 

I haven't been able to get these on Phabricator since I've been a bit swamped. With the drastic downsizing of my team of 4 to currently one person, a lot of my efforts have shifted to trying to staff up my team again. I haven't been able to monitor Phabricator as closely as I'd like. If anyone has any interest in helping to organize our work coming out of Stockholm on Phabricator and on wiki, please reach out to me :)

Also, a new blog post (draft here) about our Stockholm meeting and next steps as a group is being finalized. We should see it published soon! Thanks to Melina, Paola and Sara for capturing and sharing our work with the wider Movement.

Best wishes to you all,

Tighe Flanagan
Senior Manager, Wikipedia Education Program
Wikimedia Foundation

education-collab mailing list

education-collab mailing list

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