Dear all, 

Now that the Wikipedia & Education User Group has been officially approved and Wikimania is over, it's time to jump-start our activity and start working together again. Exciting, I know! :)

To do that, we'd like have an online meeting, where we will share updates and will determine our next steps as a user group, the first of which would be to start an election process to choose a board for our user group. 

Here's a link to a doodle which will help us determine a time for a meeting. As we are an international crowd, an effort was made to include time slots that might work for different places in the world simultaneously. You should be seeing this in your own time zone. 

Please vote on the best dates & times for you by next Wednesday, August 15 at midnight (whenever that is :)). A final date will be announced on Thursday, August 16.

Who is invited to participate in the meeting?
Anyone who's doing work around Wikipedia & Education is invited, no matter where they are from, or from which group or chapter. As long as participants are polite, friendly and ready to work with others, they are welcome!
