Hola education community!

I wanted to first say thank you to everybody who has expressed their enthusiasm about the Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse, to those who have sent us questions or feedback, and specially to those of you who have already joined in one way or another! So far we have received: 

- 1 team application
- Over 50 individual applications for the online course (from all over the world!)
- 16 applications to join as volunteer collaborators 

We'd like to continue encouraging you to prepare your team and individual applications and submit them before May 12! In addition to the information available in the outreach space we have prepared some additional communication materials with details and support that you might find helpful:

- Overview of the W&E Greenhouse
- What topics will be covered in the online course?
- What is the timeline of the online course?
- How do I start with a team application?
- What is the team application like? (video guide)

We hope you find these helpful! Please, do send me a message if you have any additional questions or need some more focused support. And don't forget to share this opportunity among your networks!



Melissa Guadalupe Huertas
Wikimedia Foundation | Education Program Officer
user: MGuadalupe (WMF)
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