Hello all,

 I found that there are three IEG proposals for the first round of 2016 which are relevant to education program leaders.

1. Wikipedia as a pedagogical tool: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG/Wikipedia_as_a_pedagogical_tool

2. Curation of courses and resources on Wikiversity: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG/Curation_of_courses_and_resources_on_Wikiversity

3. Exploratory research: Creating curated e-books with Wikimedia content : https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG/Exploratory_research:_creating_%27curated%27_e-books_with_Wikimedia_content

As program leaders and collab members, we might be able to share valuable feedback on the proposal pages. 


Dr. Netha Hussain
Govt. Medical College, Kozhikode

Blogs : nethahussain.blogspot.com