
Vahid asked me to sum up the organization of the #EduWiki campaign in the Czech Republic. First, we decided that it is our long-term goal to attract primary and secondary school pupils to Wikipedia. This is because most people started editing Wikipedia at early age. We don't think that teaching edit Wikipedia is really efficient, because most are unable to produce a good quality article without us helping a lot. Rather, we'd like them to learn about Wikipedia and how it is written. Teachers can use Wikipedia as a cool example on which they can improve their pupils' digital literacy. Because teaching digital literacy is a priority of the Czech government, this proved as an achievable goal in the long-term. We called this campaign Teach (with) Wiki.

We prepared drafts of lesson plans, a bit different from the ones prepared by WMF but they do take some inspiration from them. This is not because the plans written by WMF are trash, but rather because we wanted to write something exceptional that will lay foundations to something bigger (read on).

But we knew we needed allies. We contacted our friends in EDUin (an NGO promoting innovation in education) who have experience with contacting media and educational institutions and together prepared a press release and organized a press conference. This helped us to spread the idea which really attracted attention (about 10 articles in press TV and radio). We were invited by the Ministry of Education to talk about our idea and they will help us improve it and spread the word. We are still polishing the three 45-minute lesson plans but once they are all out, they will be public and hopefully also translated into English at some point. Also we hope to attract teachers to try using them in their lessons as early as this year.

Next year, we want to register "Wikipedia and teaching digital literacy" in the formal governmental system of postgradual teachers education so that we can organize accredited course and gain (governmental or EU) financial support for them. This is a way to get Wikipedia to many teachers in primary and secondary school and thus to their pupils. Some of these pupils may be so intrigued by Wikipedia that they start editing it, who knows? We definitely want to devise methods to find this out retrospectively.

I hope you find this interesting,


Vojtěch Dostál

předseda rady / chair of the board
Wikimedia Česká republika | http://www.wikimedia.cz