On 17 March 2016 the Portal team deployed a patch to Wikipedia Portal to log all user preferred languages. From the analysis of this additional data, we found that approximately 70% of Wikipedia Portal visitors only have English as their preferred language, and approx. 18% set a language other than English. Around 12% of our users are multilingual (according to their browser preferences), but many of those included English.
Users whose primary language is English or who included English as a preferred language clicked through and searched at a remarkably higher rate on a daily basis than users whose primary language is another language (60% vs 50% and 50% vs 30%), but the latter group used the language links at a much higher rate than the former (10% vs 20%).
In fact, English-speaking visitors' overall clickthrough rate was 12.5%-14.4% higher than non-English-speaking visitors', and were 1.3 times more likely to click through, indicating, perhaps, that increased localization efforts could better engage our non-English-speaking visitors. Based on the data and patterns observed, we strongly support and encourage the language detection and localization efforts the Portal team has begun pursuing.
These and other findings can be found in
the report on Commons. The graphs are especially cool and informative, even if I do say so myself.
Mikhail on behalf of Discovery Analytics
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