Guillaume, is this what you are looking for?

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 12:58 PM, Guillaume Lederrey <> wrote:

I'm trying to make sure the hardware requests needed for Maps are
tracked correctly. What I see so far:

* Maps back end hardware [1]
    - seems to miss a specification of what hardware is required.
@Yuri, could you have a look?
    - should be moving forward as soon as we document what kind of
hardware we need.
* Maps hardware planning for FY16/17 [2]
    - fairly high level description of needs to FY16/17 AND FY15/16
* Set up proper edge Varnish caching for maps cluster [3]
    - describes requirements for proper caching (seems to require 4
machines in each 4 datacenter, so 16 machines)
    - it seems that it is possible to reuse mobile cache machines, but
it is presented as a possibility, unclear if any action has been taken
in this direction
    - I need to dig into this one to see if anything needs to be done

Am I missing anything?

Note: only [1] is tagged as [hardware-requests].


Guillaume Lederrey
Operations Engineer, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation

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