On 4/24/2017 10:50 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:
Not really, I'd have to build something.Would it be easy to label each panel, to avoid confusion?
2nd and 4th aves weren't highlighted as major streets before, but now they are. But 1st isn't. Google highlights 1st, 2nd, and 4th. I'm not sure what is most accurate.
2nd and 4th are primary and 1st and 3rd are secondary.
The SR 99 tunnel is never shown any more. In the old style, at zoom 15, it was clearly labeled, but the tunnel itself was barely visible. At 16, it was both visible and well-labeled.
It's tagged as being under construction, I'm surprised the old style shows it at all: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/135476223
It also depends on the density of the region. In Downtown Seattle, bus stops are not particularly useful at z16. In other places with less buses, they are. I've gone back and forth on this a few times and there isn't really a right answer.