Hi Everyone,

I'm at WikiConference NA today, and I was chatting with someone from OCLC, and he mentioned that BlazeGraph can be configured to call out to a full-text search engine. It looks like it only works with SOLR out of the box, but the documentation mentions that Elasticsearch is a candidate search endpoint.

Obviously it wouldn't be worth doing any real work on investigating this until the BlazeGraph/Amazon situation is clearer, and maybe Stas or others have looked at it in the past and already know why it isn't worth the added complexity, but there are some interesting use cases where combining full text and SPARQL would be useful—for example if you are looking for a person, you know part of their name, and some facts about them. In general, any full-text search with additional structured data constraints.

Anyone already know anything about the capacity of BlazeGraph?


Trey Jones
Sr. Software Engineer, Search Platform
Wikimedia Foundation