I was comparing the old and new styles, and at first I thought the new was on the left, and old on the right. Now I see they are the other way around. Would it be easy to label each panel, to avoid confusion?
2nd and 4th aves weren't highlighted as major streets before, but now they are. But 1st isn't. Google highlights 1st, 2nd, and 4th. I'm not sure what is most accurate.
Northeast of Stewart St, running above the middle of 5th Avenue is a monorail, and the track supports divide the road. Google shows all that pretty well. Neither our old or new styles show the track, or the division, clearly. I can just barely see the track itself in the new style, if I know to look for it.
The SR 99 tunnel is never shown any more. In the old style, at zoom 15, it was clearly labeled, but the tunnel itself was barely visible. At 16, it was both visible and well-labeled.
At the south end of downtown, the Yesler Terrace neighborhood label is getting cut off at "YE" at 14 and above. International District/Chinatown disappears at 14, but is visible at 13 and 15.
I miss having more neighborhood labels, like Lower Queen Anne (just northwest of downtown), which was shown on the old style. On Mercer Island (in the lake, east of Seattle), there used to be several neighborhoods shown, but now there are none.
I like the new light rail/trolley/bus station icons. But I miss having bus stops at 16. But I guess it depends on what the map is going to be used for. Also, I'll confess that I'm so accustomed to google's blue bus stops that seeing them in dark gray is a big jarring for me.