On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 4:57 PM, S Page <spage@wikimedia.org> wrote:
* CirrusSearch has "morelike:PageName", who knew?
People that read https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:CirrusSearch#Special_prefixes I guess.

* I sense a developer article brewing, "Finding related content"

AIUI, the Wikipedia mobile apps' "Read more" section just performs a full-text search (API [1] ) for the current page title (Android source [2]).

Joaquin's nfity demo http://chimeces.com/webkipedia/ 's "Related pages" section calls the GettingStarted extension's gettingstartedgetpages API module [3] with gsgptaskname=morelike . This is implemented by GettingStarted/MoreLikePageSuggester.php... and it seems this just makes a search query for srsearch=morelike:Australia .  Who knew Cirrus search had a "morelike:" keyword?  It's not in the enwiki search help, but it is in the Cirrus search help [4].

Ah. Now you mentioned it :)

I'm not sure if there's any reason to interpose gettingstartedgetpages instead of querying search directly for morelike:pagetitle, it might cache stuff in Redis. The mobile apps might get better "Read more" suggestions using one of these.

That query is slightly heavier than your average search query but its not a devestatingly expensive query. So its probably not worth caching anything. Maybe if we really publicize it we should be more careful with the poolcounter, but its probably ok.

There's also a srwhat=suggestion, I don't know if that helps getting related pages.

Its "did you mean:" I believe.

I'll be updating https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Search_and_discovery with this, and it seems article-worthy.

Cheers, hope this helps someone.

You can do it for multiple pages if you like by putting a pipe between the names. like morelike:Time Warner Cable|CNN. We added that after talking with the gettingstarted folks.

We've never tuned this feature. We could certainly do more with it if people were excited by it.
