Here is the Discovery status update for the week starting 12 September. Feedback and questions are welcome.
== Discussions ==
* We had a Discernatration demo on Tuesday, Sep 13 that was a success! [1]
* Several Discovery team members attended a Product and Tech on-site two day meeting in the SF office
* Mikhail and Chelsy attended an Analyst on-site two day meeting in the SF office
== Interactive ==
* You can now insert a link to a popup map with overlays on all wikis - <maplink> [2]
* Map frame support is now enabled on all Wikipedia sister projects, but not Wikipedia itself, except for HE,MK, and CA wikis - <mapframe> [3]
== Portal ==
* updated language article stats on Wikipedia.org [4]
* updated the language list dropdown button phrase to now display: Read Wikipedia in your language [5]
* updated the metadata description for Wikipedia to read: "Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation." [6]
== Search ==
* Automagically fixed ÿ in Spécial:IndexPages search by implementing ascii-folding in French [7] [8]
* Tried to update to to ElasticSearch plugins to 2.4.0 but found out we couldn't because our analysis plugins are not compatible [9]
* Added defaultsearchkeys to wiki search autocomplete [10]
* Fixed bug - mwgrep and "insource:" search is missing lots of pages in its index [11]
* Make elasticsearch actually have shard allocation awareness [12]
* Fixed bug - "You may create the page" suggestion does not appear if search contains 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' anywhere in search even when these are not used as special syntax [13]
* Updated WikimediaMaintenance/addWiki.php to create cirrus indices on all available clusters [14]
== Analysis ==
* Tried finding ways to combine cirrus search logs with engagement data [15]
* Added event logging for the Wikipedia portal to capture the language selected in the search box [16]
* Added updated the mobile dashboard for new features added in event logging [17]
* Added 'other' pageviews to the dashboard accounting for 'keep alive' and other hits to the Wikipedia.org page [18]
* Updated data access guidelines search logs from flourine to hive [19]
== Wikidata Query Service ==
* Materials and videos from the SPARQL Workshop on September 8th are published [20]
== Other Noteworthy Stuff ==
* We started to experiment with ORES WP10 as new relevance factor in fulltext search queries T145644 [21]
* There's a new glossary of search-related terms available on
mediawiki.org. Feel free to request additional definitions! [22]
The full update, and archive of past updates, can be found on MediaWiki.org:
Interested in getting involved? See tasks marked as Easy or Volunteer needed in Phabricator.
Chris Koerner
Community Liaison - Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation