
I have few question for discovery portal and API:

- possible to be included in the 0.05% who tried the A/B test?

- do you have or plan to have a feature for discovery *between* topics? E.g. suggestions connecting two topics.
I ve been working on this.

- Which is the difference in API:Search between:
 list=search and generator=search ?
The first seems to be faster to me.

- I need to fetch the pageIDs of the results, and have them already redirected and decorated with images and snipped/excerpt.

With generator=search I could do it, I can't with list=search
Could you help in grasping query parameters?

params = {'action':'query', 'generator':'search', 'gsrnamespace' : 0, 'gsrsearch' : keywords, 'gsrlimit' : 20 , 'prop' : 'pageimages|extracts', 'pilimit' : 'max', 'exintro' : '', 'explaintext' : '', 'exsentences' : 3, 'exlimit' : 'max', 'redirects' : '' }

params = {'action':'query', 'list':'search', 'srsearch' : keywords, 'srlimit' : 20 , 'srprop' : 'size', 'indexpageids' : 1 } ??

I m trying with sand box with no success, only search results are hit, no matter of 

- I also found 0&formatversion=2' is another param used in search=list
Has it a special meaning?