Howdy search team,

Would anyone be interested in collaborating on style guides for Java, PHP, and any other languages we tend to use amongst ourselves?

It would be super handy to have a reference to reach for when considering alternative design patterns, plus it would be a lot of fun to think about how (and why) we might prefer one style over another.

It would also make a convenient way when onboarding new folks (of whom there will be many) to get them quickly ramped up on how to sling code, WMF Search Team style.

Also also it would make a convenient way for code reviewers to say "Yo James, this is totally not Haskell, stop trying to make everything a monad!".


For a starting point in Java, perhaps we could use Effective Java[1] as a template, and (bias alert) sprinkle in some Functional Programming in Java[2] for good measure.

For PHP, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I have an interesting Functional Programming in PHP[3] book on my desk that y'all can borrow.

