That's exactly what I mean, we should make that part of the usage guidelines for the font, just as we have HTML examples in the kss styleguideline for mediawiki.ui. And we should have a similar example for icon-only cases without labels. etc etc.

Otherwise we will have three or four different and inconsistent approaches and it will be maintenance hell (perhaps we should even have factory api's for them, like with vform). 


On 9 aug. 2014, at 11:42, Brion Vibber <> wrote:

On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 11:39 AM, max <> wrote:
As long as we use the following pattern for markup, we should be good accessibility-wise. The aria-hidden attribute hides the icon glyph from screen readers.
  .icon-star:before { content: "★ "; }

<span><span class="icon-star" aria-hidden="true"></span>Favorite</span>

Awesome, that should do the job for HTML usage yeah.

-- brion

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