Hey May,

- There's a determinant progress bar in MediaViewer while the image is loading[1] I will add it on the MediaWiki page.

- There are two progress indicators in OO-JS-UI here https://doc.wikimedia.org/oojs-ui/master/demos/#widgets-mediawiki-mixed-ltr
Scroll down to "progress" section. I am not sure where they are used, but they do exist. The first one is used in VE (with progressive tint) if i am not wrong.

- On Mobile web, we use iOS style activity indicator (indeterminate). It's part of MW-UI [2] and used in various places. You can see it on Mobile VE loading right now.

[1] http://i.imgur.com/6KRI8OL.png
[2] mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-spinner mw-ui-icon-element spinner loading

- Nirzar

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 11:46 AM, May Tee-Galloway <mgalloway@wikimedia.org> wrote:
There is a discussion going on loading indicators on Phabricator.
​Basically there are two kinds of indicators, indeterminate​ and determinate. Here is a documentation of what we have currently. 

Do you know any other loading indicators out there? Any other kinds of use cases or purposes where loading indicators are used and needed? ​

Discuss at Phabricator or on this mailing list. 
And if you find more loading indicators, let us know here.

​Thank ya, 

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