On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Jon Robson <jrobson@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Ryan is suggesting we use the free font Linux Libertine instead of Georgia/DejaVu as our free font offering on the basis that we use this font in the Wikipedia logo.This sounds good.What think you designers?I suggested DejaVu serif as the free alternative to list because it seems to be widely installed by default on Ubuntu, and probably other Linux operating systems. Is the same the case with Linux Libertine?As far as removing Georgia... Theoretically this sounds nice, and personally I quite like Linux Libertine, but I am opposed until we figure out what most Windows and OSX machines will compute "Linux Libertine, serif" to. Will it still display Georgia, or will it display something crappier like Times?If it ends up that on OSX and Windows "Linux Libertine, serif" computes to the same as "Georgia, serif" is, I'm not really sure what the point is beyond changing the typography for the tiny number of our users on desktop FOSS operating systems that have both Libertine and a different default serif.--
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