My suggestion...

When working with teams going forward it would be good to get into the habit of making it that team's responsibility to eventually when the design is stabilised to ensure it gets described in core as a LESS file. In the mean time without this tool it would also be good for design to track what teams are working on which components and try to avoid the situation where multiple teams are working on the same thing.

Since so many teams are using buttons I personally believe it would be a good start to codify this and use this work to get the style guide up and running with this example.

Outside the design team, any help in coding this, reviewing it would be most appreciated. Any one who knows Ruby would be useful here since the  NodeJS version of KSS is a bit out of date.

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Jared Zimmerman <> wrote:
Hi Jon, what do you need from Design to make this happen?

Jared Zimmerman  \\  Director of User Experience \\ Wikimedia Foundation               

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Jon Robson <> wrote:

On Monday I began writing a couple of Special pages. The purpose of this was to develop a proof of concept that could generate a style guide from our CSS files.

Would love to get this production ready and use this going forward to ensure we always have a live reference we can refer to...

On 5 Nov 2013 19:28, "Jared Zimmerman" <> wrote:

Jared Zimmerman  \\  Director of User Experience \\ Wikimedia Foundation               

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Steven Walling <> wrote:

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Jared Zimmerman <> wrote:
Thanks for this summary S, the "living style guide" mentioned in will include not only the visual styling of agora controls but best practices for using them. e.g. things like order of buttons (primary CTA rightmost) and what types of buttons should be disabled when invalid input is detected (places where a post would result in an error) as well as when to use different styles of buttons. 

Can the UX team please write the copy for these best practices now, rather than later? We could really use the text accompaniment now, as we begin to build and test the revisions to mediawiki.ui. 

For developers, having simple explanation of the intended patterns will ease the transition to a new mediawiki.ui look. For product managers, we'll be able to help make sure that our individual products conform to the general style guide. 

Flow is not the only new product that is starting to conform to parts of the new mediawiki.ui spec. For Growth team projects like anonymous editor acquisition, onboarding, and article creation, Pau is already producing mockups that incorporate elements of the new design. If you can produce a single page guide with these best practices you describe, they can be used now and incorporated in to the more interactive living style guide later. 


Steven Walling,
Product Manager

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