By zoom I assume you mean zoom on an element and not the entire page?

The tweak was requested by Kaity when reviewing the story that added this for acceptance but I hadn't realised this was the reason it was the size it is.

Personally I would suggest optimising for look and feel than to support the Chrome browser but I have no strong preference in terms of the size we end up with. I defer to Kaity to hear her reasoning.

On 9 Jan 2014 05:03, "Juliusz Gonera" <> wrote:
Quick question. I noticed the story was changed slightly on Monday and now includes:

"Decrease font size of Search Wikipedia search input text and headings on Nearby and Uploads from 18px to 16px"

The text in the search input is bigger for a reason: Chrome on Android will zoom the whole page if the text is too small (too small for someone from Google I guess). We have to either keep the text size the way it is or disable zooming altogether to prevent this. So, what should we do?
