sounds good, can't wait to see the next iteration, for "Results" and "Expectations", those should stay where they are currently, and not be collapsed behind Advanced i think.Jared Zimmerman \\ Director of User Experience \\ Wikimedia FoundationOn Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Andre Klapper <> wrote:Heja,
thanks for the feedback!
Yes, you can pass URL parameter(s), like
On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 10:42 -0700, Quiddity wrote:
> * I assume we'll be able to enter default [product/component] to be set,
> as part of the URL string? (Eg. So that we can link to the form at
> VisualEditor's Feedback page)
Added as to-do to
> * Severity dropdown: copyedit needed: "An average a bug that [...]"
> * Please add a warning that "your email address will be publicly displayed"
Very unlikely, unfortunately. See
> * Any chance of a "preview" feature? I hate not knowing whether
> wikimarkup will work properly or not. (Afaik, interwiki links work as
> expected, but no other wikimarkup does.) and
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