On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 1:30 AM, Jared Zimmerman <jzimmerman@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Ryan, what about the argument that the font system will automatically do a replacement for Helvetia neue

You mean "Helvetica"; but we're talking about the Georgia, serif font font stack for headers.
, rather than going to the next font in the list, effectively putting the choice in some Linux developers hands rather that ours?

On Ubuntu, the equivalent font substitutions are Nimbus Roman No9 L  for "Times", and Tinos, Liberation Serif, Thorndale, and Thorndale AMT for "Times New Roman"; of the latter set I only have Liberation Serif (note it's not the Linux Libertine that Kaldari recommends), so I get that one. So the equivalent of 
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Nimbus Sans L", "Arial", "Liberation Sans", sans-serif;
is something like:
font-family: "Georgia", "Times", "Linux Libertine", serif;
As I said when we discussed sans-serif font stack ([Wikitech-l] Should MediaWiki CSS prefer non-free fonts?), if we prefer the open source font (for the criteria Denis Jacquerye mentions), then we should list it before the proprietary font. The problem remains: getting designers and l10n advisers to install and verifiably use these open source fonts on Mac and Windows in order to make the call.

Nobody responded to http://jsfiddle.net/UPBUH/7/ with useful info on what Android, Mac, or Windows does, but it's still there if someone wants to add the serif fonts.

=S Page  Features engineer