After talking with Howie it seems like we are going to delay the launch by a week. Howie would it be possible to get Jared into these talks?

Some replies to the discussion points:

* I like the new assets. One advantage of the existing asset however is that in can be animated (and is animated in beta) e.g. it spins when you click it. Would losing this be a big deal? How would we give user feedback when they have clicked it - would an ajax loader be suitable or a flashing icon/other?

The reason for the ALL CAPITALS LETTERS was due to the styling for the last modified time (see the watchlist page)- Vibha will be able to provide background on the reason for using ALL CAPS there

Jared — I'd go with a fade out, eliding, always seems like a waste of characters to me. 

In terms of long titles we must bear in mind that some mobile devices get extremely small and that this has accessibility implications on mobile. CSS in modern browsers makes this very easy (

Imagine if an article like this got truncated:

The latter part of the title is very important. If this shows as "List of countries and depen..." well...? The preview helps somewhat - but only for modern devices (we don't run javascript on older ones). Maybe we could use the preview and truncation for phones that are capable? 

"I really don't like the preview. It breaks the browser's "back" button, it doesn't match regular navigation, and as noted it removes the add-photo CTA so the click-through is extra confusing."

Brion: I wouldn't use this as a reason. We are already thinking about making overlays work with back button. This is likely only to be a temporary problem. The add photo CTA also only shows when 1) a browser is capable of uploading photos 2) the user is logged in 3) the user is allowed to upload 4) the page is not protected (and a variety of other constraints I'm forgetting). So removing the add photo CTA as an argument against doesn't hold much weight to me. FWIW I also think it's a good feature. If a user doesn't want to visit the article I don't think they are going to upload a good image to it as they won't have read the article in full and understand the needs of an article. If they are content with the summary they are likely to be in a rush and again not upload a useful image.

What is more important to me is the user experience given by the preview - it is much snappier using one and feels more like a native app - the user can browse various articles around them easily before diving into more detail.  Clicking back also forces a refresh of the entire page with a potentially new location if the user has moved. It doesn't lend itself well to exploring a local area from a moving train. Try using nearby on your phone with 3G as it currently is on stable without the preview and you'll see what I mean. (There's also no reason in future why we cannot add the upload CTA to the preview as well.)

Measurements in feet - I believe we will need to do this at some point in the future but I don't think it should block a useful feature from moving to stable. We've already had requests for it and should prioritize it appropriately. Getting editing in mobile for instance is much more important than this development...

Thanks again for all the feedback so far!

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 3:44 PM, Jared Zimmerman <> wrote:
Replies in-line and update location refresh icons attached. 

Jared Zimmerman  \\  Director of User Experience \\ Wikimedia Foundation               

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Brion Vibber <> wrote:
My replies inline.

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Jared Zimmerman <> wrote:

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 7:31 PM, Jon Robson <> wrote:
We currently have a goal to push our nearby feature to stable next week.

Your feedback on the current page would thus be greatly appreciated:

In particular please focus on these outstanding concerns remembering
this is a first pass and we should focus on the most essential things:
1) Copy text - in particular is it clear that certain pages need
photos and how to do that?

Jared — in list view the call to action is clear, but perhaps too long? will this string length be a problem in german?
how about "Contribute image for location"

All-caps can also be a legibility issue; the Germans in particular have complained about forced casing before. :)
Jared — Yes i personally take offense at all caps in UI, especially if its not part of a short title, i don't like being yelled at. 

2) Refreshing the list of nearby results - is the icon choice correct
and how is the user experience?
Jared — I think its ok, but could be improved, right now it just says "refresh" to me, not update my location, If May or I have some time today perhaps we can get you a new asset, when is you code submission target?

It's also low-resolution and is noticeably pixely.
Jared — Updated assets attached. 

On first load of the page, the error, needs to have location enabled browser and javascript enabled still shows, it would be great to not show that on first load…
3) Is the preview useful? (the preview is mobile only and activated
when you click on an article) - does the experience break without it?
(to get an idea of how it might work without try the desktop version
at or click "Read this
article in full" before reading the preview and click back button to
get back to the nearby view

Jared — The preview is ok but the image upload call to action isn't on it, which is a BIG problem for people who followed the link on the previous screen, few things that i think should change
  • for pages with images, include the thumbnail from the list view on the preview page

  • For pages without images, include the contribute photo on the preview page

(Note that the preview doesn't appear to show in stable, but I see it in beta.)

I really don't like the preview. It breaks the browser's "back" button, it doesn't match regular navigation, and as noted it removes the add-photo CTA so the click-through is extra confusing.

4) Any styling tweaks you'd recommend (especially with respect to the
article preview)?

Jared — add Read article in full link to both the bottom and top of the preview, reduce the margins (to 0px?) for images on the preview page

Some feedback to the list page
  • for imperial units countries use ft rather than m for distance to location

  • say "XX ft away"
We can possibly guess measurement defaults from the browser's reported locale... hmm. Personally I prefer to force metrification on people. ;)
Jared — While I agree we should all switch to metric, i don't think its a reasonable request of most of our users. 

  • make sure the row heights are the same, currently they fluctuate 

Variation appears to be due to line wrapping of long titles. Note that titles can be much longer than that... may make sense to force to single line and crop with ellipsis or fadeout, then let the full title show when you tap through.

Jared — I'd go with a fade out, eliding, always seems like a waste of characters to me. 

  • for distance to location, can you say which direction they are? 150 ft north? if not "away" is fine, but giving a direction might be nice.
One way to increase confidence in the accuracy of the location would be to show the current location of the user on a map, here are two other apps for some inspiration of a mini map on top of a list view…

I like the idea of having a map view... what's our status on OpenStreetMap servers again? :P

-- brion

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