That space, currently called right rail, is for supplementary knowledge that accompany an article a user is interacting with. It could be education on how to edit, info from other sister projects, or even current hot conversations in Flow page, etc. 

Apart from just article page, this can also be available for Flow boards, edit interfaces, or any other pages where supplementary information is relevant, needed, and helpful. I would call it supplementary information rail but that's long winded and generic.


On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Amir E. Aharoni <> wrote:

This is a follow-up to Brandon's Wikimania talk about Winter.

Winter has an important concept of "the right rail". I like the "rail" part of the name, because it's a nice departure from "bar", but the "right" part is wrong for several reasons:

1. It's "left" in Arabic.

2. It can be misunderstood as "correct".

3. Most importantly, it doesn't say what is the rail for.

What is it for, really? Data, tools, info, navigation, aids, knowledge, gallery? I don't have a strongly preferred name myself. "Tools" is pretty close, but an infobox is not exactly a tool. Other suggestion are welcome.

I should also mention that we have a pretty similar bar (rail? column?) in the ContentTranslation extension. It shows information about words, translations, and tools to control the machine translation. In the Language team we usually call it the "tools column".

Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
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