On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Brian Wolff <bawolff@gmail.com> wrote:

I agree wholeheartedly with your email. But I wonder if this part is a
bit looking at the past through rose coloured glasses. Vector roll out
was certainly better than some other feature rollouts, but... it was
hardly without pain if I remember correctly. Although it was a long
time ago, and before I was involved on the dev side, so my memory is a
bit fuzzy.

I was also a bit surprised to hear that process held up as a positive example. But it was before my time as well, so I don't have direct knowledge, just what Liam related to me.

The parts of that process I'm most excited about are: 
1. setting public success criteria ahead of time, based on user adoption/retention
2. the public commitment to iterate*, before broad rollout, based on specific feedback from beta testers. 

- J

*and not just fix bugs, but actually revise/add/eliminate features

Jonathan T. Morgan
Senior Design Researcher
Wikimedia Foundation