On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:59 PM, Shankar Narayan <notnarayan@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Everyone,for the past week I have been iterating on the commons android visual design. Wanted to share the current iteration for feedback/comments/suggestions.
Just an update - me and Yuvi have been trying to figure out the best size to display thumbnails in the "my uploads" and similar views.
At the moment the mockups and the iOS implementation show two items across on a phone-sized screen, for about ~6 items on screen at once. File title isn't shown until you tap into a detail screen.
The Android implementation currently uses more ample thumbnails which take the full device width, and reserved some space to show the title. This only shows ~2-3 items on screen at a time on a phone, but the pictures look _awesome_ and you may be able to more easily distinguish adjacent similar issues due to seeing the title.
(I've also proposed the idea of a selectable zoom control (either pinch-zoom or a slider), but this gets complicated and probably isn't the way to go.)
For comparison, the iOS "Photos" app shows 4 items across, and the Android "Gallery" app shows 3 items across. Neither shows titles or filenames, and neither has controllable zoom on the overview.
Do we want to go even smaller like the photo gallery apps to squeeze more items in? Or stay large to show the title on the main screen? Or go with a middle-ground that shows off images well but doesn't have room for titles?
-- brion
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